Garlic mustard (130)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Garlic mustard areas (131)
Narrowleaf bittercress (126)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Narrowleaf bittercress areas (127)
Plumeless thistle (133)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Plumeless thistle areas (134)
Poison hemlock (34)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Poison hemlock areas (35)
Wild carrot (136)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Wild carrot areas (137)
Wild parsnip (101)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Wild parsnip areas (102)
Amur silvergrass (139)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Amur silvergrass areas (140)
Bohemian knotweed (65)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Bohemian knotweed areas (66)
Brown knapweed (4)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Brown knapweed areas (5)
Canada thistle (142)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Canada thistle areas (143)
Common tansy (145)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Common tansy areas (146)
Common teasel (7)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Common teasel areas (8)
Crown vetch (74)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Crown vetch (75)
Cut leaf teasel (10)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Cut leaf teasel areas (11)
Dalmatian toadflax (13)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Dalmatian toadflax areas (14)
Diffuse knapweed (16)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Diffuse knapweed areas (17)
Giant hogweed (19)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Giant hogweed areas (20)
Giant knotweed (148)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Giant knotweed areas (149)
Grecian foxglove (22)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Grecian foxglove areas (23)
Japanese knotweed (151)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Japanese knotweed (152)
Johnson grass (46)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Johnson grass (47)
Leafy spurge (154)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Leafy spurge areas (155)
Lesser celandine (83)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Lesser celandine areas (84)
Meadow knapweed (28)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Meadow knapweed areas (29)
Non-native knotweeds, spp. (59)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Non-native knotweeds, spp. (60)
Non-native phragmites (157)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Non-native phragmites (158)
Purple loosestrife (160)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Purple loosestrife (161)
Red hailstone (53)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Red hailstone (54)
Russian knapweed (37)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Russian knapweed areas (38)
Spotted knapweed (163)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Spotted knapweed (164)
Yellow starthistle (43)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Yellow starthistle areas (44)
Amur honeysuckle (62)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Amur honeysuckle areas (63)
Bell's honeysuckle (68)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Bell's honeysuckle areas (69)
Barberis spp. (Barberries) (166)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Barberis spp. (Barberries) areas (167)
Common barberry (56)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Common barberry areas (57)
Common buckthorn (169)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Common buckthorn areas (170)
Glossy buckthorn (80)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Glossy buckthorn areas (81)
Japanese barberry (172)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Japanese barberry areas (173)
Morrow's honeysuckle (86)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Morrow's honeysuckle areas (87)
Multiflora rose (175)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Multiflora rose areas (176)
Porcelain berry (92)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Porcelain berry areas (93)
Poison ivy (178)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Poison ivy areas (179)
Salt cedar (95)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Salt cedar areas (96)
Siberian peashrub (98)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Siberian peashrub areas (99)
Tatarian honeysuckle (89)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Tatarian honeysuckle areas (90)
Winged burning bush (104)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Winged burning bush areas (105)
Amur corktree (107)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Amur corktree (108)
Amur maple (110)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Amur maple (111)
Black locust (71)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Black locust (72)
Callery pear (113)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Callery pear (114)
European alder (77)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
European alder (78)
Norway maple (116)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Norway maple (117)
Tatarian maple (119)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Tatarian maple (120)
Tree of heaven (40)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Tree of heaven areas (41)
Black swallow wort (1)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Black swallow wort areas (2)
Japanese hops (25)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Japanese hops areas (26)
Japanese honeysuckle (181)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Japanese honeysuckle areas (182)
Pale swallow-wort (50)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Pale swallow-wort (51)
Round leaf bittersweet (31)
| Positive |
| Treated |
| Eradicated |
| Low |
| |
| |
| High |
Round leaf bittersweet areas (32)
Summary of Eradicate List Species by County (45)